Tuesday 11 September 2007

Napster for Nerds

Not one of mine, Jeeves ( its the Montreal Times' http://ssrn.com/news/napster_for_nerds.html) but a name happily taken up by the Social Science Research Network.

Its a depository of academic papers: published, forthcoming and "works in progress". The papers are indexed in a way to create a number of virtual journals.

Apparently the adminsitrators of the site have to verify that a paper is correctly formatted before adding it to the journal listing, which is why mine hasn't appeared yet. But you can still download it from my "author page" http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1011802.

ANOTHER new blog

There seem to be plenty of philosophy blogs around. Most tend to centre around things I'm not looking at. So here's one on epistemology.
